how can omega xl help reduce the risk of heart attacks? udies that have shown the benefits of omega-3s for reducing plaque formation on the arteries, which actually clog the arteries and cause heart attacks and strokes. it actually helps to reduce triglyceride levels, which are an independent risk factor, which put people at risk for heart disease, so i recommend omega xl to all of my patients to help protect their hearts, preserve their heart and vascular health. >> ken, omega xl seems to be a life-changing product. >> omega xl is a one-of-a-kind omega-3. there's nothing like it. we believe it's the most powerful omega-3 on the face of the planet, which offers tremendous anti-inflammatory benefits. you have hundreds of people, hundreds of family-- we call employees, but associates-- at great healthworks today so proud that you're here to help us with our message. >> well, i'm very proud to be part of it 'cause it is, it's wonderful being associated with this and wonderful having you and wonderful meeting you. there's the number. [♪...] >>