. -- ommission. the first deception not disclose to you is the fee per ton of garbage disposal for yuba county has been the same for years. recology describes these fees as "stable." you have been deceived by their implied assumption that the fis would not be dramatically raised to be consistent -- that the fis would not be dramatically raise to be consistent with other areas in the space. second deception, recology is going to charge the rate payers of san francisco to pick up used baby diapers out of your [unintelligible] recology is not going to pay for these used baby diapers being deposited in the landfill in yuba county. this is an equivalent of depositing a flow of dirty diapers on to the floor, and then not paying for them, for the privilege of using the property. ♪ [chime] supervisor chu: thank you very much. thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is matthew. my family's farm has been in the area for 91 years. i serve on the california farm board, in our goal is to preserve the habitat, and t