which they describe as being intrusive, overbroad and harassing subpoena to this red room omnimedia corporation. that certainly unless there's some justification, one could say that is clearly done in retaliation to miss madison's involvement. which i think if one accepts the mayor's argument that it is evidence of some kind of intimidation and conduct by the sheriff that inconsistent with his duties as a law enforcement officer. but don't know what that subpoena was. it may well have been very relevant to the criminal proceeding. but the way it's characterized here is being intrusive, overbroad and harassing. and that apparently went into court or did something. >> they hired an attorney. they went into court and there was media conferring and they finally narrowed it down and produced some documents. that's what i understand to have occurred in the criminal case. >> if i could just -- >> please. >> exactly what happened here with a lot of the mayor's subpoenas. there were objections because they were overbroad, intrusive, et cetera. those objections were sustained and finally when they were n