so you are omomucucnghamshire? yeahah and yoyore in india.peak ke someone who's frfr buckinghamshshe, but if i was to ask you now ere do you think you belolo,, what's your feeling?? before februruy, i woululhave said, "well, englandnd it's my home.. it's where i've always been. i never thouououou, but having been here,e, i i n't know. actually making cocoection... i'i'i'veveeven ththght of it.t. i was born ininondon. my parenen came from africa. mymyararar' ' rents came froroindia. i'd never evev ththght of itt a plala or identntnt we have e bit of differenen religion and d eak punjabi and hihii, but that wasasas whwh kind of connectctns have you made here?? nonoi understand where e e religion came from,m, and d at's's ltered throughgh to m m and my dad. so nowow know. i asasciate india with something-- ligion, , ich is ththbiggest thinin sosoar.