of open to the union you stick wi it and you do be do be true to him and at that you've been onaught willetdo the of been proved through faith and patien inherit the promises a board been happy about it f searching or when god dehat ome abraham because he could swear by no g$eater a swear by himself to understand god this is going to come to p exactly likes writn for the pretty sweary tim prome to abraham only himself as vers# 14 sayi surely bssing i will bless me and multiplying i will multiply the 50 and so after he had patiently endured he obtained the prom@is a ram it in a plane that promised you a morning that obtained it through faith steadfast in its verse 16 or me and vely swear by the greater and own' a cfirmation is turn to him and he end of all strive that means argumentisagreemt but to path clear for tand the carefully 17 wherein gone really more abunntly to show und the errorof promthe tability of@his cocil conirmed it via though that is to y it's unchangeable it's steadfast in hisolid thinking that by two immutable tings in which it was impsible for strong consolation had e a