your typical high school health class will help kids learn how to put a condom onbanana, and believeyou can't wait until after your kids are grown to teach them this stuff. throw in thousands of dollars of credit card debt on top of their student loans and they can be in debt for decades. that means you the parent has to bail them out. it's not just about being a good parent, it's about your kids not hitting you up. you need to have some along boring considerations about the dangers of high interest rates, like the kind you can easily rack up on a credit card. but in my view, the best way to make all this personal finance medicine go down is -- i recommend giving your stock to high quality stocks, my example that i've been using is disney, give them a couple of shares a year. because disney has so much going for them, so much blockbuster films, over many, many years in future. not too mention a terrific theme park business. there is no better way to demonstrate the power of state offing money and investing in stocks than having your children make money in the stock market themselves