thank you for being onbook tv and our look at the 2010 review of books. : guest hosts to interview authors. this week, to the surprise winner john dower examine significant military attacks that led to american invasion and occupation of fraud in his new book, cultures of war to read the former mit history professor explores the attack on pearl harbor, the bombing of hiroshima, the 9/11 attacks and the invasion of iraq, finding commonality in these major events at an institutional level. he discusses his findings with institute for policy studies fellow sanho tree. >> host: professor dower, it's an honor to have you here. i've been an admirer of your work for two decades now, and your latest book, "cultures of war" is something so sweeping and impressive i want to thank you for the opportunity to sit down and have this conversation. could you start by telling us how you are a historian of japan both imperial and japan, how is it you came to write this book that links both purple heart, hiroshima, 9/11 and the iraq war what gave you the idea to make those linkages? >> guest: in this case i