and frankly jonathan point out, oncare if it's in this case, if the states decide to do it local, law enforcement decide to do it or if the fed says every cop has to have a body cam. >> we don't know if there's an epidemic of violence of police officers against citizens because frankly no one in the country keeps a record on that. that's one problem. i don't have a problem with body cams, but i think to michelle's earlier point, i don't know how much it's going to change the outcome. we saw that eric garn erp and we saw that with roddy king. we had a lot of video on that and look at what happened with those officers. i think it's a good idea but i don't think it addresses the core problem between the relationship between the cops and the community. that is what needs to be addressed. >> wayne, i think the president asked for $260 million for body cams, literally billions of dollars are spent on other things, we could tie some loose ends up and find that money in a heart beat. what do you think of the spending on body cams for the c cops? >> this is not going to change anything. it did