out if fast food places re open."19:52:25all to insure hungry ddivers get big acs movinggmoney from oneejobo anotherrwithout proper approval that may seem like shuffling.but actually has been cooting taxpaaers big bucks paid to private &pown tickets bb circcmventinb proper oversiiht.20:23:46 "they've lefttbasically he pox running the hen house" workinggonnprojeets that mayy is a need for dollars to build bii projects, heee is noo the need for all of thhse consulants" &pand so we took a closer look in some of these conttacts, the state gives the consultiig company eetra money to pay for office space and equipmentt pontractors working in state ffailities while the taxpayerr are paying for the overhead.. ann that's ot all. the tatt turned over $16 million worth of invoices from consultantt profit builttinto the coonract, addee fees that 19:57:41"they are making exhorbinant anmounts of money" the work is so lucrative that pn many casessthe sha employees who adward thema&end up working at the companies on the receiving enn of big payoutss . 00:29::6"in ex-employees for the state highway adminstr