gusts from all over the world, they know a quake would shatter this serenity, and she's not counting onegin on divine intervention to care for everyone. >> we have food for three days. >> reporter: plus 150 gallons of water. >> we know we'll be on our own, so the more we're prepared we alleviate the strain. >> reporter: strain on emergency services was vivid in napa. and people went days without vital services. >> but water in particular, the breakage in terms of infrastructure was pretty interesting and painful. >> so they get a backpack when they sign up. >> reporter: the next two saturdays every chair in the fire house will be filled with people needing training. >> knee pads, gloves, face masks. >> reporter: and want to be able to help others. classes are offered all over the bay area. >> it's a real push to organizing neighborhoods, so people are getting to know each other and know who to check on. >> reporter: emergency supplies stores are in big demands too. >> when people are educated about what they need, they'll act. >> reporter: as prepared as the nuns already are, they plan to b