insurers will be able to deny than oneto more quarter of native americans with conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. the midst of a pandemic that is not going away anytime soon. a pandemic, that when age is taken into account, is three times as deadly for black, latino, pacific islander, and native americans. a pandemic that has killed approximately one in 1000 black americans. one in 1200 native americans, and one in 1500 latino americans. judge barrett, would you consider the 135 million people who gained protections under the affordable care act when deciding a case that challenges that law? judge barrett: senator harris, if i were to be confirmed and conclude that i was able to sit on the case, pursuant to the recusal statute, and then if i heard the case and decided the case, i would consider all the protections that congress put in place. earlier during this hearing, the question would be figuring out whether congress, assuming that the mandate is unconstitutional now, whether that, consistent with your intent -- this is congress' law -- would permit this act to sta