>> it is for a much a form of preservation, it was onice, and would ferment.ventually they started adding vinegar to it. adding to the taste and everything. they created a new way to do it. street food. >> this is what? >> wasabi adds a refreshing spicy kick to it. and this acts as a palette cleanser. >> what about the sushi that the flight rice with a piece of fish on top? >> that is called nigiri. i can show you that. >> molded into the shape that we all know? >> part of what sells it to anyone is the way it looks. it is always so extravagant looking, fun to make. that is nigiri. >> any other shapes or presentation styles we should know about? >> when we make sashimi, one of the fun things to do is we will take it and make little shapes, things like this. a little bit of a hook. is fun, acute, very involved. making it and presenting it, it almost looks so good that people do not want to eat it. this is one of the main and the only way is i have ever been truly and creatively satisfied. next thing you know, it is three hours from last time. >> that looks good