i talk about a solution-- not only does it produce crises and the terrible waste and damage, not onlyly does itit polarize unless people react, and not only does it deny us the fruits of tecchnical change, the fruits of all kinds of breakthroughs, but, even more, what it does to us as individuals needs to be understood. and d that's a perft transition to what i think the solutition is. most productn in the united states is done by large corporations. we are a society that celebrates small businesses. there's something very poignant about that. "small businesses," we are told, "are the backbone of america." no, they're not. big business is what runs this economy. small business is a long, old story. small business, we are told, creates 3 out of 4 jobs. quite true. small businesses also go out of business on a scale that is fantastic and loses 3 out of 4 jobs. see, that little detail is left out. a small business is a very hard thing to survive. and the reason is it's dependent on big business from whom it buys many of its basic needs and they therefore control. so the big businesses are