&ptoo i onnoor wwbsite. justtgo to foo baltimore dootcom slash newslinks. thhre's ee information thhs morning on that fatal car crash that haapened outside f city hall laat week. who allo goes by johnny e haae daason. he's chargee witt mannlaughter aad homiicde by automobile .... along ith otherrchhrges. ooficials believe city workkr matt hersl. "when that car came flying, we heaar the screeching i turned around, that car was airboon. it slammmd ddwn. i said hhly sh" that the process iil take remembering our brrther inna loving way johnson's aarest came just twoohourssafter &po's hhveea tribute planned fo tooayymarks the virginiaatech ssooting as tte nation mouunssthe fresh tragedy of .... the state offvirggnna is pausing to hhoor its victims from 20077 college studdnt went on a shhotiig ssrre at the caapus. killee ... ad the gunman took his own life..t's considered &pthe ddaddiest shooting rampag in odern u-s history. april 16th as he official day offremembrance. 3& and an 18- &pyear-old accused in a shootin at a virggnia community college was in court mon