with this, passed on to us, to all nations great and small, to all onpeople, far and wide, lets dedicate ourselves to continue on a separate journey in which we travel together to a world where this harmony prevails. [ speaking in foreign language ] [ speaking in foreign language ] . >> thank you. thank you. >>> at this point, the grandchildren will begin speaking, or at least our schedule. >> from alll over the world, we have well over 91 countries that have sent delegation os, and we would like to thank them for being here. we have countries such as afghanistan, angola, algeria, argentina, australia, austria, azerbaijan, the bahamas, bangladesh, botswana, barbados, the united arab emirates, belgium and many others who continue acknowledging all of them as we move on. with a view of catching up on lost time, we are now going to call about madiba's grandchildren. madiba had 18 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. we're going to call muso mandela, andy mandela -- who are going to come and pay tribute to their grandfather and great-grandfather. i call them to come to the stage, to com