in riviera i became the, basically the onshift traffic unit. we had a small shift and didn't have an active traffic unit and i became involved with teaching dui, as well. i became certified with dui stops and things and acatually created a training program for the city of riviera beach that was approved through the state attorney office on how to conduct a dui investigation and how to properly document it throughout the entire dui process. >> in the -- how long are you with riviera beach? >> total about five years. >> and any other specialties or training focuses that you had with riviera besides those that you mentioned so far. >> the only other things that became certifications is while i was there i attended conferences geared towards defensive tactics. when i took my first certification case, i kind of fell in love with the topic and knew right then and there that that was something i wanted to do and specialize in for the rest of my career, if not longer. and i went and became an instructor for various techniques like vascular restraints, a