hosni mubaaak frommpower more than a year agooabout a dozen pandidates are running ii whht'' onsidered egypt's --3 ffrst free and fairr presidennial electionn i modern historyy.s mary ellle hookins explains... the ffont-runners include wo men -3&pwho served under mubarakk 33 nats -- protesterssgyptiins made their vooces heard in the streets -- n protests that sttrted early ear nd a 3 heardd t the polls.they wann to haveea real say in whooruns 3 timm in gypt's more than i am very excited and veryy optimistic, i believe the -3 electioos will ddeermine eggpt's desttny.there will be transpareecyy smooohness, good security, very gooo coverage for the securityy err good smoothnees, good transparency, very good coveragg for thh elections, but there will be unsatisfied peepll who we call the minnrity of rrjectors.tte rullnggmilitaryycouncil says iiternaaional grrups are being allowed to view the election first-hand.former u-s preeident jimmy carter'ss 33 dooeetii observers, whooare tempprary, and the carter -- center, we are the major one -heee,,are limited to staying 3 don't like it but we'lll o he 3