./. ááothersáá are charging for access ...to an onsite gym, .../ early check-ins,.../ and...3 the ex-mayor of detroit has a new home in dallas. dallas. kwame kilpatrick's new home....is about one-thousand square feet larger than the lived in as maaor. the home is worth about 337 - thousann dollars. here's where some re qqestioning the common sense. kilpaarick was released from prison in august.and still owes detroit about 8- hundred-60-thousand dollars in restitiion. under a parole officals, he'll only have to pay about 160 dollars a month. i guess members of people for the etticcl treatment of animals are not ffns of super mario bros. 3.nintendo's beloved mascot mmrio is now a target for peta, bashing him suit.thh outfii is modeled pfter japanese raccoon dogss peta,,he character's outfit is o-k to wear fur.age that it's - 3 3 davis says: "i was trying to put my hair up and i ad my looket in my mouth." mouth." a littll girl rushed to the hospital... affer she swallows a locket.the stroke of luck 3 3 3 get this.... a bumpy road.. may have saved a little girl's life. 3 8-year o