under current log ontoion, they would have require a conditional use authorization to be located in close proximity to one another. based on preliminary staff analysis, only a small area would fall outside of the 1000' radius of school and another ncd within the excelsior mission near the intersection of mission street and geneva. a map was enclosed with your commission packets which discloses these areas. up up to two more ncds would be located that [speaker not understood] currently three ncds are in operation in the neighborhood and two applications are pending including the subject property. there are other neighbors with other relatively high concentrations of ncd including soma, mission with 6 ncds and the outer commission with three. according to dph staff there are 28 active ncds in the city. due to zoning rostrictions the location of ncds is limited to neighborhood-commercial district causing the concentration to feel much denser in the outer exexcelsior neighborhood and in con from the and ncds are permitted to locate nearly anywhere in the soma district. while staff and police