but we have been joined by our colleague from oohio, mr. bo cherrr who is doing a fan tass particular job and a real fighter. mr. boccieri: thank you for taking on the challenge of setting the record straiggt. just as an aside, a few years ago as a state legislator, i was watching c-span and you and congressman ryan were talling a few years ago and i thought wow, how neat would it be to stand beside each other. so it's an honor to share this stage with you to talk about how we get our country back on track and getting our economy moving again. i agree thht america has to be the producer of wealth, not just the movers of wealth. we have to invest n our work force. we have to invest in things that are going to make us different than the rest of the world. and we have that here. you know, you look at the computer, our space program, you look at things that have been invented here. things don't happen by accident in america, because we have some of the greatest entrepreneurs, great entrepreneurial spirit, we have great minds, great thirst and w