lawmaker oopposition is fierce. his bill is the dumbest idea he is ever heard. quex the lieutenant governor testified today with an update on maryland's efforts to implement federal health care reform. the measure includes an expansion of medicaid and creates a dedicated funding streams for the maryland health benefit exchange from the existing premium tax on health insurers. it includes provisions to move in raleigh's into the exchange in a way that eases the transition an impact on rates. brown has been leading the health care reform effort for the malley administration. president obama kicks off road trip. >> he traveled to north carolina to highlight his jobs proposals. nikole killion joins us from our washington bureau. >> president obama took his state of the union sales pitch to ashville, north carolina. >> last night i deliver the state of the union address. and i talked about steps we can take right now >> the prison that reiterated his message, of scouting manufacturing initiatives and a proposal to raise their minimum wage. >> i need congress to take