no bar tree grown strains of locked opa silis and bacteria in recent years they've been getting a lot of air time they're marketed under the general term probiotics it's claimed they help against era simple bowel syndrome and gas to enter righteous or they can even restore the gut flora after a course of antibiotics. there added to some yogurt with the aim of improving consumers' health. but now some studies claim that probiotics can have adverse effects on the body but they can cause flatulence stomachache can't even impair concentration and that's not all as a good. one studies show that people had increased psychological complaints after taking probiotics that's an important sign that we should handle these things really carefully. supplements are claimed to act in the intestine finds a variety of bacteria are involved in digestion their probiotics are said to assist them however one of the studies showed that they often don't settle in there in some of the test persons none could be detected in their powell so want to these results mean for prob i also use it means that regular ch