annocer: oppornity. prosperi. optitimism where cut flowers are a flourishing business, but one that's takg its tolln the environment. in turkey, freedom of speech seems a thing of the past. how can thousands of sidelined academics there rebuild their lives? then on to hong kong, where living space is a luxury. we head to the city where many live in desperately cramped conditions. urbanization is an unstoppable trend worldwide. more and more people are deserting rural areas for life in cities looking for jobs, educational opportunities, and inspiration. all want a decent place to live -- and that's the problem. good locations are in high demand, and prices are steep. germany's most expensive city is munich. apartments in the center fetch over 9200 euros a square meter. and in other countries, prices are even higher. in new york, for example, apartments can cost a whopping 11,000 a square meter. the three most expensive cities are london, at over 15,000 euros a square meter. singapore, which is even pricier. and hon