perhaps they should pay rent at a rate that is commercially opprobrious.besides -- commercially appropriates. besides the slip times and the adjacent property maintained by the courts out. -- by the port staff. folks both young and old who bike and jog enjoyed the benefits. parents and grandparents bring their children and grandchildren along the waterfront. they are fascinated with the activity of boats coming and going. they eat lunch or just enjoy watching the marina activity. people frequently what pat's or fished off the pier. -- walk pets or fish off the pier. you get the point. this is a quality of life issue. the marina residents cannot be asked to shoulder the obligation of the city government's. we need a strategy to address the shortfall, one that addresses the quality of life for all marine the beneficiaries and citizens. thank you. commissioner ho: paul and then john. >> good afternoon, commissioners. as the commodore of the south beach marina yacht club, i thank you for managing in south beach harbor. as you referred, it is very important for