a recent survey of more than 2700 employers offer some hope for optism.or optism. 20% of people told career builder.com they plan to hire new workers in 2010. that's up 6% from a year ago. so what kind of workers stand to benefit and will this new hiring be enough to get the economy back on its feet? joining us is the managing partner. good to see you. happy new year, ed. one phrase that was very popular in 2009 that a lot of people hope stays in 2009 is this whole idea of a jobless recovery. are we now seeing the light at the end of the unemployment tunnel? >> i don't think there is any question about that. happy new year to you as well. it's going to be a good new year for anybody looking for a job because 2010, especially towards the second half of 2010, we're going to start seeing a lot of jobs and things are absolutely getting better. what we saw last year was a moment in time and now the panic is starting to subside and we're starting to see a lot of positive things happening in the economy and i will tell you, jobs are going to be created and we're