studies show that women can improve the performance being in a board or senior management team, or beengine -- or being in a difference position. women can improve the quality of politics and improve the kind of policies that can be implements, and it's true, we have to link quota with merits but why only talk about that when talking about women, we need men in any position with the right capacity and right merit. it's a false dilemma, because to women, we ask them to be perf t perfect. we need everyone to be as good as possible. >> and as you know, india has past legislation to require 1/3 at any one time of the local village councils to be headed bid women and there's -- headed by women and there's been results showing that there are better outcomes and more investment in water, which is typically women's work. different perspectives. would anyone else like to tackle that issue of quotas? >> i'll say, i've lived in a society that judged me on something very silly. the color of my skin. and people talked about us they legislated about us, and then low and behold, they are surprised that be