. >> reporter: helps workers exploited by the japanese mafia, or yakusa. target low skilled occupations. >> to quickly gather 4,000, 5,000 decontamination workers in fukushima you need to do it the traditional way using the yakusa. >> reporter: what do workers tell you about the conditions that they're dealing with? >> translator: from the decontamination workers i mainly hear about money problems like not getting danger pay. >> reporter: the government promises danger pay to workers who risk exposure to radiation while cleaning up hundreds of square miles of contaminated country side. that promise is used to lure many workers to fukushima. that's what brought this worker who we'll call sato to iwaki city. >> translator: the government says it will pay $100 a day. but i initially got 20. the contractors and subcontractors took the remaining 80. >> reporter: when satoo complained he was told his contract had changed, that now hhe owed money for food and lodging. >> reporter: did the yakuza have anything to do with your employment? >> they were a former membe