sa stormtroopers killed him here, right in iron; after the torture that forced him to go to the hospital - even then the fascist hyenas from the concentration camp continued their brutal abuse. that is, beatings of convicts, the actual torture… they tied my hands on the bunk. they started mocking me. they intentionally turned on loud music so that nothing could be heard. and they stuck a stick in my anal orifice. these things are absolutely unacceptable and... well, there’s nothing to comment on… what can i do! as with any revolutionary changes anywhere, such historical events are accompanied by unfortunate side effects. yeah, well, i can recognize everything. it is all the same here. only there we have another row behind the fence. except that, everything is the same. by the way, you have done a poor job with a rake on the gravel here. we have rakes every ten minutes. and there's a fence at the back. i mean, i understand how it works. the towers are slightly different, but it is still the same. radio berlin. in these early