when jared loughner shot gabby give ordina giffords and killed six, nobody was dissecting his manifestoe've normalized what he's said as a last resort which is why people think of spectacle crime as no longer a last resort. i will tell you that for all of those who say that he is psychotic or speculate about his emotional condition, obviously not having examineded him, i will tell you that the person who invokes his work place to this degree, who has failed to achieve intimacy, to achieve family, who targets family, is a familiar presence of someone who is overly invested in succeeding at work, it never works out for him the way his esteem and ego believes that he's entitled to. and he's resentful in a way that his grudge becomes him. we all recognize that life isn't fair. we all experience injustice at one time or another. some people get over their grudges. some people never get over their grudges. and what defines a workplace related shooter and a spectacle killer like this is that his grudge defines him. i will also tell you that the longer he goes without being caught, the less lik