i was the cofinder of the oregon gray panthers, ran the legal aid program for older people in our home state for a number of years, and i want it understood that i think with the baucus legislation on medicare advantage that proves that it is possible to make savings in the medicare program without cutting essential benefits, using commonsense principles of competitive bidding, number one, and incentives for quality, i think grandma's going to be just fine under our language for medicare advantage. mr. president w-rbgs that, i yield the floor. -- mr. president, with that, i yield the floor. mr. baucus: how much time remains on our side? the presiding officer: three minutes. mr. baucus: on the minority side? the presiding officer: 55 minutes. mr. baucus: i reserve the balance of the majority time. the presiding officer: the senator from tennessee. mr. alexander: mr. president, during the next 55 minutes, we'll have several republican senators come to the floor. and i ask unanimous consent that during that time senator mccain be allowed to be the manager of a colloquy among the republica