time, his fellow entrepreneurs considered it an unnecessary waste, and the theater created in orekhovo-zuevoor workers was an outright whim, however, morozov even himself sometimes took part in amateur performances. mother, you yourself know, then all this will be lost to us and will return. in winter, morozov bought cotton for the manufactory, and all of a sudden, all over europe, prices for it began to skyrocket; it was more profitable to sell the cotton right away. and the profit derived from this difference in prices will exceed that which he will receive by processing cotton on fabrics and selling them. savva timofeevich answered very categorically. who do you take me for? i am not a speculator. i have 20,000 workers with families in my hands, what will they feed these families with if i stop production, when the factory learned about this act of morozov, a delegation of workers went to him with gratitude. it was in such rooms that the families of the morozov weavers lived, they were called closets. there was steam heating and ventilation, a little cramped, of course, but the workers di