and it takes more books to sell more books so what oren teicher said to continue the dialogue to do something about its we have a long way to go. there is much more to keep us in business and healthy. >> can i just cannot resist saying we want to make books of all publishers equally available all the time. [applause] >> all books are available. [laughter] >> believe it or not to that is the time we had. think you for joining us. have a great show. thank you very much. [applause] least, silence your electronic devices for the audience and for our friends at home. today's panel is called connecting authors and readers. we'll be discussing how publishers, writers, the media and booksellers help readers discover new books and authors. without further ado, i'll introduce our panel and then let them tell you a little bit about what they do. to my right is tarin rhodeer, the associate director of -- [inaudible] she manages a boston-based team. her best selling authors include paul tuft, temple grandin and justin torres. she was previously based in washington, d.c. at island press, and she has an mfa