oresnik once found out about this. oresnik did not understand at all why his bank needed such a complicated offshore, he wanted it. close, because unlike shpaln no one controlled him or blackmailed him, well, when reznik started to interfere, he was removed, stupidly, of course, noisily, but removed, hmm, yes, what do we know about pathostreyding, from whom, by the way, the company purchased petrochemical products, this is interesting, comrade general, allow me to draw, yeah, the main pestovshchiki are unknown in the industry oil producers, well , of course, yes, black oilmen, the so -called, yes, in our particular case it is salem. and his people, it is he who controls the oil production zone, oil terminals, and also his trucks, responsible for transporting oil from libya to the ports of tunisia. who is the end buyer? europe. and how did oil from libya get to europe? and the entire scheme, including transportation, is controlled by the american concern gloucester. gloucester, the president of this company is a certain