well, formal breakfast point minister orest johnson, i also joined in despite his previous role in splitting, actually the play store tools that happens in march in 2022 and a stumble according to most gay johnson actually allegedly advised key of to keep fighting. and you know that, that hi me a, uh, then head of the ukrainians allegation is what's known as the jones lot actually played an influential role in the process. but now boys still some seems to be seeing a compatriot differentiated. we are late, let's face it. what waging your proxy will await your proxy will, but we're not giving a proxies the ability to do the job and wet and for, for years and years now we've been allowing them to fight with one hand tied behind their backs. and it has been cruel, it is being cruel. and you know, this is the same bar as don't send them back in 2022 actually stated that there's no proxy war. and in response to lateral statements, the russia is a war, not with the ukraine, but with the west. and the war means war. and you know, these he is here of has been repeating the mantra that russia is the