sfgtv .org mta. i will note there is expenditure plans and the 10-dollar registration fee and those register in san francisco pay annually. about 1.2 million is allocated for pedestrian safety improvements annually so that is another funding source that the authority manages and i do also want to make a plug for www. my street sf. this is a google map application where the public can search for projects in their community, in their specific district, of a type of project. you can search by pedestrian safety projects. it doesn't measure curb ramps or sidewalk repairs because they come to us in a large volume, but it tells you what is under way and you can see how implementation is going and once the five year plan comes in we will up load those so folks can see what is happening in their neighborhood. we are working to update san francisco's long range transportation plan and really the capital improvement program that jonathan will talk about now and the five year plans are really the near term imple