they were originally put on the market to replace pesticides that were very toxic, and organa phosphates, they were in during the war era as chemical warfare agents, and after the war use for them was over, the companies decided to put blow them out onto our crops, and that class of chemicals are associated with bird kills and fish kills, and worker poisonings, so people that work the fields. so these were a class of pesticides intended to replace those and they intend to be safer. they actually soak into the plant and that was considered to be a good thing because they're not on the leaf when the workers pick the fruit and touch them. and also with rain, they don't runoff into the straps. that's the idea -- the streams. it's like a medication that you might give the dog or cat and it makes their blood toxic. >> so that seems like it wouldn't hurt the bees. >> the problem, what we know now, getting it into the plant and making it insecticide al, and making it poisonous to insects also poisons bees. especially when we know that the pesticides are getting into the nectar and the pollen, an