new also have some chips anything else you want to serve with organa puppies in the oven. you're looking at probably ten minutes are so.u' basically want to make sure the cooked inside. i put up a 500. will have the grill marked obviously. thursday really jersey. for some of the ones we have were red top these was smoke blue cheese. will border top width of the things you might not think about. caramelize onions. there more gourmet getting yourself away from just american cheese. we want to melt that a little bit. caramelize onions pretty easy to do. let them cool down stick them in the freezer pull them out whenor you need them. and tenure just a little bit more than serfs living over stove. a little bit of dummy a fancy term for beef sauce what this really do will put all of the into having the french fries. where you picked that up. some stores have you can substitute any cheesy want. s i want the smoke blue cheese. put together a couple of days. we can pick up any source u letter you want and these are somey and they look so good to. this is perfect. what a gr