organelle assist a term in that roughly sixty percent of the tax cut benefits will go to shareholders whereas employees will only receive five percent another such study by morgan stanley estimated that forty three percent of tax cut savings will go to stock buybacks and dividends and just thirteen percent to employees by way of pay raises bonuses or employee benefits. and harley davidson has announced that they are shutting down their factory in kansas city which employs eight hundred workers some of the jobs will be transferred to a facility in new york pennsylvania harley davidson is also expanding operations to highland some say the move is due to u.s. markets which is contract in recent years harley davidson has their sales have dropped by eight and a half percent sales abroad have dropped by three point nine percent the announcement of the plant closure came just days after harley davidson said they too would provide shareholder dividend increases the iconic motorcycle company was touted by both president trump and speaker of the house paul ryan as examples of businesses which w