business in were in very significant industries and making great successes and great and organizedes, the social value of their work, in many ways. that is the big revolution. -- in my that suddenly mind, on an emotional level, there is a very strong black was dignified and powerful and cohesive and it was successful, in many ways. but this country needed those people to be part of america as well. tos not just a value african-americans to have this equality. it is a value to our country as a whole to have everybody participating and feeling that they have equal access and equal input on the direction and the focus of our society going forward. this: i hate to interrupt master class being taught by harrison ford. you are on a roll. in 10 years of doing the show, that is one of the most powerful and sublime and succinct read s of why america needs all of us that think i have ever heard, and i thank you for it. you kill the, so thank you for that. >> it has been a pleasure. tavis: that is our show for tonight. thanks for watching, and as always, keep the faith. >> for more information o