see areas of tension between them which has allowed united states some influence, say, for example, orgia or the relationship economically at least china is much stronger with the united states. you mentioned the intelligence cooperation. i have less of a good hand on that because it's classified, but for the instances of where you think they're cooperating -- perhaps their case officers are sharing iellince or they probably have these joint meetings among military people and so on, they probably exchange threat assessments. you also have these very publicized instances in which the russian countermilitary insur gents are arresting people for trying to divt technology to china. you have several instances of that. space propulsion which could be used for ballistic missiles and so on. so there is an element of tension, and there's an element of cooperation, and the united states doesn't want to see either extreme. itould be very unfortunate if they were to become very close allies as was theoretically posited off at the end of the cold war because, for obvious reasons, that would just cause