definitely an iupmportantme court justice. >> michael dorf, orin kerr, ilya shapiro and walter dellinger, thanks for your time. >> thank you. >> nawaz: now, to the african fotion of mali and the ongoing s to preserve priceless records of the past, from the library of the fabled city of timbuktu. the city was overrun in 2012 by al qaeda, who destroyed manuscripts dating back centuries. the militants are now gone, but the turmoil remains. and time may be running out to save these irreplaceable doments. from timbuktu, special correspondent monica villamizar reports. >> reporter: these people are saving a world of knowlee, a world nearly lost forever. they are digitizing tens of thousands of ancient manuscripts rescued from near destruction tiduring the al qaeda occu of timbuktu five years ago. al qaeda destroyed monuments and libraries that were seven centuries old. the militants implemented lamic sharia law, and banned anything considered "sinful," like the manuscripts, which were seen as pagan writings' many were burnt. despite the deadly conflict, abdel kader haidara naged to save around