in any case, in terms of skilled .orkers, we can always use more we ought to revise the system. know -- we should probably do away with the country of fortune requirement, but just base it on skill sets necessary for the united states. unequivocally say that will happen, but that would tend to be fairer than a system where come from a country with not many people, and you are almost guaranteed a green card, but come from a country that has a lot of people, it is pretty tough. offerede been promotions. i can lead different kinds of practices, but the problem is like everything will time i would be accepting a promotion, then my company will call the lawyer can say you guys are giving him a promotion, then his title will change. i need to go to this gentleman over here, but under the current system, even though you are not given a green card, you are re-authorize legally to stay in the country. >> but the thing is it is costing the company more money. initially the country will offer a promotion. i will accept that promotion. that company will send the paperwork to a lawyer, and t