orkid? sure. >> council member sassouni: it's interesting in terms of companies this morning, i saw a scooter in golden gate park, just left there, and you know, in the middle of nowhere, and two people were approaching in one direction and as i pass, one of them tripped over the scooter left in the pathway. and yesterday i saw kids playing on the sidewalk with the scooter, just playing with it. and it was r.m. too late to -- really too late to stop anything from happening, they were thrilled and it was a very person street. as a deaf person, i'm sensitive to people passing me from behind quickly, or around a corner and there is no regulations or laws in terms of their behavior. it's kind of a wild west show out there. and so our rights as pedestrians are protected. ius to be honest -- just to be hone'mi not a fan, i hate them. and i feel there is no way to address the concerns that we're experiencing. >> co-chair blacksten: any one of you want to address that quickly? >> i'll add the concer