you're in good hands with orkstate. [allstate] now, that's humor. ar ar ar! i'll see you later. oh! excuse me. mork, help him out. excuse me! what do you think you're doing?! helping you out. that's the last time i ever come in here to get warm! [ singing in orkan ] [ whistle blows ] hold it! i tell you, you got the wrong guy. put your hand through here. and i shall apprehend your partner forthwith. i'm off to pursue his accomplice. keep on eye on this one. what are you doing? keeping my eye on you. hey, back off. i'm in no mood for jokes. i've had a real crummy day. what happened? it started off pretty good. i escaped from prison. prison -- i know about that. that's where you get free clothes, free food, no rent. why did you go? well, it's a long story. as a kid, i was a shoplifter. [ whistles ] boy, you must be strong. no, it was mostly small stuff. then i started stealing cars and they finally caught me, and here i am. boy, i feel really bad. i never stole a car, and here i am, too. yeah, i wanted to get out one last time to see my poor sick mother. you have a mother? yeah. i gue