Sep 30, 2021
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continÚa la bÚsqueda de la joven hisana mÍa, quien desapareciÓ en orlando, florida.iernes de este complejo de apartamentos en orlando, florida. dinorah gÁlvez vive al lado del apartamento de mÍa y la vio dÍas antes de su desapariciÓn. gÁlvez tambiÉn conociÓ a armando caballero, encargado de mantenimiento y hombre de interÉs en la investigaciÓn que apareciÓ muerto por suicidio. >> el viernes yo lo vi a Él por la rotonda. vilma: la abuela y la familia de mÍa continÚan su ardua bÚsqueda y piden un milagro. >> sÍ alguien la ha visto, le suplico que me ayuden a encontrarlo. vilma: Éste altar improvisado fue construido al frente del apartamento donde vivÍa mÍa. patricia: ojalÁ pronto tengan buenas noticias. en mÉxico continÚan las deportaciones de inmigrantes centroamericanos a sus paÍses. en sÓlo un mes autoridades mexicanas han deportado mÁs de 10.000 personas en tabasco. muchos de estos centroamericanos llegan sin energÍas y con aspiraciones hechas pedazos. alejandro: todos los dÍas decenas de centroamericanos recorren la frontera. >> llegamos sin un peso. alejandeo: ¿q
continÚa la bÚsqueda de la joven hisana mÍa, quien desapareciÓ en orlando, florida.iernes de este complejo de apartamentos en orlando, florida. dinorah gÁlvez vive al lado del apartamento de mÍa y la vio dÍas antes de su desapariciÓn. gÁlvez tambiÉn conociÓ a armando caballero, encargado de mantenimiento y hombre de interÉs en la investigaciÓn que apareciÓ muerto por suicidio. >> el viernes yo lo vi a Él por la rotonda. vilma: la abuela y la familia de mÍa continÚan su...
Sep 29, 2021
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ayuda al pÚblico para localizar a una estudiante hispana que desapareciÓ el pasado viernes en orlando, floridahes, hoy estamos transmitiendo el noticiero de univisiÓn desde chiapas. si pudiera resumir lo que ocurre en una sola noticia es que los inmigrantes se siguen cruzando. estuve aquÍ en 2018 y quienes llegaban eran centroamericanos, despuÉs llegaban venezolanos y mexicanos. ahora estÁ cambiando la cara de la migraciÓn. ese es precisamente el problema, porque mÉxico se ha convertido en el muro fronterizo de los estados unidos. la guardia nacional mexicana tambiÉn se ha convertido en la patrulla fronteriza de los estados unidos. hoy comenzamos el noticiero desde tapachula. este es el comienzo del trayecto de miles de haitianos hacia los estados unidos. pedro: el muro fronterizo entre guatemala y mÉxico es inhumano. >> continÚan pasando todavÍa. no ha parado y esto va a seguir. pedro: esta maÑana nos tocÓ ser testigos de como cruzan sigilosamente. asÍ llegÓ este grupo de haitianas, escondiÉndose entre callejones. este balsero nos aseguro que pasa 50 migrantes diariamente. >> a las 10:00 a.m.
ayuda al pÚblico para localizar a una estudiante hispana que desapareciÓ el pasado viernes en orlando, floridahes, hoy estamos transmitiendo el noticiero de univisiÓn desde chiapas. si pudiera resumir lo que ocurre en una sola noticia es que los inmigrantes se siguen cruzando. estuve aquÍ en 2018 y quienes llegaban eran centroamericanos, despuÉs llegaban venezolanos y mexicanos. ahora estÁ cambiando la cara de la migraciÓn. ese es precisamente el problema, porque mÉxico se ha convertido...
Sep 29, 2021
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michelle: vilma tarazona viajÓ a orlando, florida y tiene lo Último de esta investigaciÓn. escuchamos. vilma: ¿quÉ tal? encuentro justo en frente esta joven de 18 aÑos y de raÍces puertorriqueÑas. la persona que ustedes decÍan, un hombre hispano, armando, trabajaba aquÍ como jefe de mantenimiento en el complejo de apartamentos. este dÍa dice la policÍa que armando tenÍa las llaves la llave maestra del apartamento de miya y al parecer fue utilizada media hora antes de que ella ese dÍa terminara de trabajar. la policÍa, despuÉs de que interroga a este hombre, como ustedes lo mencionaban, se encontrÓ cara a cara en medio de la desesperaciÓn y no la encuentran a esta persona que habrÁ es de interÉs en la investigaciÓn. no sale por la puerta del apartamento sino por detrÁs. dice que por una ventana. ellos interrogaron a este hombre, y al parecer sospechoso llaman a la policÍa, y ahÍ es cuando la policÍa lo interroga pero para frustraciÓn de la familia, fue puesto en libertad. este seÑor de 27 aÑos, al dÍa siguiente es encontrado muerto, al parecer cometiÓ suicidio. tienen que es
michelle: vilma tarazona viajÓ a orlando, florida y tiene lo Último de esta investigaciÓn. escuchamos. vilma: ¿quÉ tal? encuentro justo en frente esta joven de 18 aÑos y de raÍces puertorriqueÑas. la persona que ustedes decÍan, un hombre hispano, armando, trabajaba aquÍ como jefe de mantenimiento en el complejo de apartamentos. este dÍa dice la policÍa que armando tenÍa las llaves la llave maestra del apartamento de miya y al parecer fue utilizada media hora antes de que ella ese...
Sep 29, 2021
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la familia la busca desesperadamente desde el pasado viernes ella fue vista por última vez en orlando floridala con vida aunque un hombre considerado como persona de interés en su desaparición murió en departamento todo a la búsqueda de esta joven latina se une toda la comunidad en orlando está emilio ramos que nos tiene los detalles, emilio que es lo último que sabemos de este caso, buenas noches? >> vimos lo grande y unida que es la familia de miya, no pierde la esperanza has aquí llegaron para dejar velas, mensajes y fotografías dejándole saber que aquí la esperan, en casa. >> [llanto]. >> dolorosos han sido los últimos cinco días para familiares de la joven y con el pasar de las horas crece la incertidumbre de su paradero, no se sabe nada >> hablando en inglés >> su tía dice que la ausencia de ella deja un vacío profundo en la familia que no podrá ser llenado hasta que regrese a casa se aferran a la esperanza de encontrarla con vida y esta noche en los exteriores de su departamento donde había sido vista por última vez el día viernes a la tarde antes de tomar unvuelo a fort lauderdale bus
la familia la busca desesperadamente desde el pasado viernes ella fue vista por última vez en orlando floridala con vida aunque un hombre considerado como persona de interés en su desaparición murió en departamento todo a la búsqueda de esta joven latina se une toda la comunidad en orlando está emilio ramos que nos tiene los detalles, emilio que es lo último que sabemos de este caso, buenas noches? >> vimos lo grande y unida que es la familia de miya, no pierde la esperanza has...
Sep 28, 2021
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milla marcano que es una sede ante ahÍ la vemos universitaria de diecinueve aÑos que vive en orlando floridate condominio ahora la familia de marcano que no ha podido comunicarse con ella dice que nunca la chica dejarÍa su telÉfono apagado durante tanto tiempo si les parece, vamos a escuchar a su abuela y a su madre, quien de verdad estÁn desesperadas. >> por favor, ayudando al portal mike pence no queremos mucho. el oso de son verdes son bien divinos tiene cabello marrÓn. es bajita como john, de mismo tamaÑo. escuche bien algo preocupante, es que segÚn la policÍa, una persona de interÉs, la desapariciÓn de la joven fue encontrado muerto en su apartamento el lunes. se trata de armando manuel caballero, un trabajador de mantenimiento precisamente del complejo donde marcano vive y trabaja el detalle es que la policÍa dijo que ella habÍa rechazado repetidamente sus acercamientos romÁnticos. el hombre fue visto por Última vez el viernes si el mismo dÍa que desapareciÓ marcano y curiosamente ingreso con una llave maestra al departamento de esta joven treinta minutos antes que ella terminar su tur
milla marcano que es una sede ante ahÍ la vemos universitaria de diecinueve aÑos que vive en orlando floridate condominio ahora la familia de marcano que no ha podido comunicarse con ella dice que nunca la chica dejarÍa su telÉfono apagado durante tanto tiempo si les parece, vamos a escuchar a su abuela y a su madre, quien de verdad estÁn desesperadas. >> por favor, ayudando al portal mike pence no queremos mucho. el oso de son verdes son bien divinos tiene cabello marrÓn. es bajita...
Sep 30, 2021
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de cerca la desapariciÓn de la joven hispana mÍa marca no de un complejo de apartamentos en orlando, floridaas Últimas horas la familia le pidiÓ al fbi que apoye la bÚsqueda de la joven de 19 aÑos que viene liderando la oficina del sheriff del condado de seminario. los oficiales dicen estar desesperados por encontrar a mi anormal. vamos a escuchar las Últimas declaraciones. >> lo hiere buscarte. te quiero mucho. una seÑal, pero te quiero mucho. lala te querÉ mucho. borja: hay que ayudar a esa familia. armando caballero fue encontrado muerto dÍas despuÉs de que la familia reportara lo sucedido a las autoridades. vamos a darle seguimiento esa historia porque es muy dramÁtica. michelle: estamos yendo pasÓ pasÓ cualquier pista que den a conocer las autoridades. esta noticia que no se como presentÁrsela porque me llena de coraje y seguramente usted tambiÉn. es el momento en que yamira menÉndez trabajadora de la guarderÍa en tampa saca un niÑo de un aÑo de edad de su columpio agarrÁndola de las muÑecas, balanceÁndolo por el aire y ademÁs tirÁndolo al piso. la policÍa dice que fue tan brutal el gol
de cerca la desapariciÓn de la joven hispana mÍa marca no de un complejo de apartamentos en orlando, floridaas Últimas horas la familia le pidiÓ al fbi que apoye la bÚsqueda de la joven de 19 aÑos que viene liderando la oficina del sheriff del condado de seminario. los oficiales dicen estar desesperados por encontrar a mi anormal. vamos a escuchar las Últimas declaraciones. >> lo hiere buscarte. te quiero mucho. una seÑal, pero te quiero mucho. lala te querÉ mucho. borja: hay que...
Sep 29, 2021
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24 de septiembre a eso de las 5:30 de la tarde en el complejo de apartamentos en pantalla, en orlando floriday trabaja. un sujeto es señalado como persona de interés dice las autoridades armando manuel caballeros de 27 años que trabajaba en mantenimiento del complejo. ayer fue encontrado por suicidio.hogar aparentemente >> [hablando inglés] . >> se había mostrado románticamente interesado en miya, dicen algo así leel condado orange, pero la joven lo rechazó. el día de su desaparición una llave maestra de mantenimiento que se sabía que estaba eposición de caballero fue utilizada para ingresar al departamento de ella media hora antes de terminar su turno laboral, por ello la policía emitió una orden de arresto contra caballero por robo además de rastros de sangre este departamento el encontrar su cuerpo lunes autoridades contentaron su auto de color plateado. mientras tanto la familia de miya, no pierde la esperaa. >> [hablando inglés] . >> [hablando inglés]. >> su padre no ha parado de pedir ayuda por redes sociales y la comunidad en su conjunto se une a la búsqueda >> vengo a ayudar y apoyar.
24 de septiembre a eso de las 5:30 de la tarde en el complejo de apartamentos en pantalla, en orlando floriday trabaja. un sujeto es señalado como persona de interés dice las autoridades armando manuel caballeros de 27 años que trabajaba en mantenimiento del complejo. ayer fue encontrado por suicidio.hogar aparentemente >> [hablando inglés] . >> se había mostrado románticamente interesado en miya, dicen algo así leel condado orange, pero la joven lo rechazó. el día de su...
Sep 28, 2021
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desesperaciÓn entre los familiares de la joven de 19 aÑos miya por encontrarla, desapareciÓ en orlando floridaxa estÁ con nosotros, muy buenas tardes, cuÉntanos un poco sobre esta historia porque hay muchas partes. >> exactamente, la primera vez que fuere portada como desaparecida por su familia fue el pasado viernes 24 de septiembre alrededor de las 5 de la tarde. tenÍa que tomar un vuelo a fort lauderdale pero nunca lo tomÓ, dejÓ de contestar mensajes y llamadas de la familia y fue aÍi que se hizo el reporte oficial. ella fue vista por Última vez en el complejo de apartamentos donde incluso ella tambiÉn trabajaba. cuando la policÍa comenzÓ a buscarla se dio cuenta que habÍa una persona que se convirtiÓ en una persona de interÉs, que trabajaba en el departamento de mantenimiento de los departamentos, ¿verdad? y que esa persona tenÍa una llave maestra que incluso entrÓ al apartamento de miya y que encontraron cuestiones sospechosas, por eso se girÓ una orden de arresto en contra de esta persona que fue identificada como armando manuel caballero de 27 aÑos. ahora bien, empezaron los detectives
desesperaciÓn entre los familiares de la joven de 19 aÑos miya por encontrarla, desapareciÓ en orlando floridaxa estÁ con nosotros, muy buenas tardes, cuÉntanos un poco sobre esta historia porque hay muchas partes. >> exactamente, la primera vez que fuere portada como desaparecida por su familia fue el pasado viernes 24 de septiembre alrededor de las 5 de la tarde. tenÍa que tomar un vuelo a fort lauderdale pero nunca lo tomÓ, dejÓ de contestar mensajes y llamadas de la familia y...
Sep 19, 2021
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said, well, let's bring in a tom since she's a writer for space dot com and joins this note from orlando florida. and maybe there's been a lot of talk about how this, these are not professional nationals, this is a civilian flights. they've been overseas for 3 days. it was sort of in bags. has this flight has globally on the space industry which you're very familiar with, what, what kind of benefits does it bring other than lots of funds for the individuals on board? i think it brings excitement and it actually gets more people interested in space. and not only that, but this particular flight was part of a fundraising effort for st. jude children's research hospital. so. so far, the crew is raised $581000000.00, which will go with $100000000.00 that jared has donated. so it's, it's done a lot of good. it has its own rather a different scale, usually for fundraising, people, words sponsored walk or something. i mean, it coffin, awful lot of money to send across like this into space and yes, the 1000000000 paid for it, but people were to argue should we be spending this amounts of money to make s
said, well, let's bring in a tom since she's a writer for space dot com and joins this note from orlando florida. and maybe there's been a lot of talk about how this, these are not professional nationals, this is a civilian flights. they've been overseas for 3 days. it was sort of in bags. has this flight has globally on the space industry which you're very familiar with, what, what kind of benefits does it bring other than lots of funds for the individuals on board? i think it brings...
Sep 8, 2021
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it will be in the following cities, charleston, that sunday, december 3rd, orlando, florida, november 20 thirst and december 4th, go to briankilmeade.com for tickets and/or personal winning though war on history and the freedom fighters and you can preorder now. don't forget to watch the radio show on fox nation to hear around the country brian kilmeade show.com, and among the guest, jennifer pretorius. have a great evening but i want to see what sean hannity looks like. >> sean: all right, brian thank you. and tomorrow will come will be watching. >> thank you, sir. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." hostage behind enemy lines and the new islamic emirate of afghanistan. more appropriate name: hell on earth. stopped on the tarmac up 2,000 u.s. fellow citizens into hiding. thousands more, u.s. visa holder and all afghan allies, tens of thousands are left behind.
it will be in the following cities, charleston, that sunday, december 3rd, orlando, florida, november 20 thirst and december 4th, go to briankilmeade.com for tickets and/or personal winning though war on history and the freedom fighters and you can preorder now. don't forget to watch the radio show on fox nation to hear around the country brian kilmeade show.com, and among the guest, jennifer pretorius. have a great evening but i want to see what sean hannity looks like. >> sean: all...
Sep 10, 2021
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i'm a ucf student from orlando, florida, and my company is o'dang hummus.
i'm a ucf student from orlando, florida, and my company is o'dang hummus.
Sep 4, 2021
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host: let's talk to sheila, who is calling from orlando, florida. good morning. sheila, are you there? alright, let's go to jeff, who is calling from missouri. good morning. caller: good morning to the both of you. i just want to bring up two points that people don't talk about all the time. in studies they show that the sun grows every year and that the solar flares have picked up in intensities, so the amount of ice and freshwater that has been dispersed through the oceans is eventually going to change the freezing point of saltwater. so, we cannot stop the sun from growing, we cannot stop the ice from melting, so at what point are we going to have a global freezing due to the disbursement of freshwater to salt water? and that is my question, and i hope the both of you have a good day. guest: thank you. that is a great question. i haven't heard too much about that freezing point changing, but i think it is a great opportunity to bring up a new field of science that is really interesting called attribution science. a sickly what this science does is take an extr
host: let's talk to sheila, who is calling from orlando, florida. good morning. sheila, are you there? alright, let's go to jeff, who is calling from missouri. good morning. caller: good morning to the both of you. i just want to bring up two points that people don't talk about all the time. in studies they show that the sun grows every year and that the solar flares have picked up in intensities, so the amount of ice and freshwater that has been dispersed through the oceans is eventually going...
Sep 2, 2021
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host: orlando, florida, philip. caller: good morning to both of you. the guest obviously to me as a breath of fresh air in terms of providing valuable information regarding the times we are living in. 1.i want to make, then i want to make a statement. i just feel like we are not really adequately looking at the reality as a group of citizens on this planet, working together to try to control what's going on with the changes of these intensities of storms. it is frightening to think -- i live in florida. after watching north carolina, the storm that moved up the coast, the and then the latest one, ida, what can happen to this state. all i see is that people are in denial of everything down here. mask wearing and climate change. for several years when rick scott was the governor there was a denial totally by the government to allow people to talk about climate change, as if it didn't exist. the former president was talking about denying climate change will stop it happens anyway naturally. i'm curious in your mind as a young woman, very intelligent and s
host: orlando, florida, philip. caller: good morning to both of you. the guest obviously to me as a breath of fresh air in terms of providing valuable information regarding the times we are living in. 1.i want to make, then i want to make a statement. i just feel like we are not really adequately looking at the reality as a group of citizens on this planet, working together to try to control what's going on with the changes of these intensities of storms. it is frightening to think -- i live in...
Sep 30, 2021
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orlando, floridament. clearwater, florida, december 4. brian kilmeade.com. jordan, meet you upstairs. you can stay where you are. and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. baaam. internet that doesn't miss a beat. that's cute, but my internet streams to my ride. adorable, but does yours block malware? nope. -it crushes it. pshh, mine's so fast, no one can catch me. big whoop! mine gives me a 4k streaming box. -for free! that's because you all have the same internet. xfinity xfi. so powerful, it keeps one-upping itself. can your internet do that? >> brian: over the past year, we've been highlighting the chaos exported at school board meetings. parents and administrators have gone head over heels gone crazy about the
orlando, floridament. clearwater, florida, december 4. brian kilmeade.com. jordan, meet you upstairs. you can stay where you are. and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it...
Sep 24, 2021
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i'm an after row-cuban young american born and raised right here in orlando, florida. and i've been a leader on the ground when others haven't. and now we have a real opportunity for orlando to elect the first bold progressive generation z member of congress. >> joining us now is maxwell alejandro frost a democratic candidate for congress and florida's 10th district. thank you very much for joining us tonight. really appreciate it. i want to begin with what got you into political activity. you do tell the story that it was this gun violence, this mass murder epidemic in america. and the first thing you did was volunteer and work on the obama re-election campaign. what drew you to that campaign and that candidate? >> yeah. well, thank you so much for having me, lawrence. what drove me to that campaign was seeing someone that looked like me. i remember that day exactly. i was watching tv with my dad. and i saw the president speaking. i saw president obama speaking act hope and about how we needed to get together to move forward, to fight for folks. and seeing someone tha
i'm an after row-cuban young american born and raised right here in orlando, florida. and i've been a leader on the ground when others haven't. and now we have a real opportunity for orlando to elect the first bold progressive generation z member of congress. >> joining us now is maxwell alejandro frost a democratic candidate for congress and florida's 10th district. thank you very much for joining us tonight. really appreciate it. i want to begin with what got you into political...
Sep 6, 2021
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. >> i'm live tonight in orlando, florida. >> from selma, alabama. >> downtown minneapolis. >> from columbia the legendary apollo theater in harlem, new york city. >> progress is never made overnight. yes, there are going to be times where compromises need to be made. >> the sensitivity, i think, that we have, whoever selected that black women be clearly seen as qualified to be vice president. >> i assure you that over the more than a dozen women that we're taking an initial look at, there are significantly more than one black woman that will be looked at in this group. >> the vice president of the u stalts, kamala harris. >> don't let covid get us. let's get the vaccine instead. >> it's always an honor to be with you. thank you for your question about our children. >> can we get rid of the filibuster, or is that smug the caucus has to debate? >> we'll put our heads together and decide how the best way of getting change is, but change we must. >> how do you assess donald trump in a kingian kind of analysis, as one that walks shoulder to shoulder with dr. king? >> i don't believe this man rea
. >> i'm live tonight in orlando, florida. >> from selma, alabama. >> downtown minneapolis. >> from columbia the legendary apollo theater in harlem, new york city. >> progress is never made overnight. yes, there are going to be times where compromises need to be made. >> the sensitivity, i think, that we have, whoever selected that black women be clearly seen as qualified to be vice president. >> i assure you that over the more than a dozen women that...
Sep 22, 2021
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families all going to we are talking new york, maryland, we are talking about this family going to orlando, floridajust talked to them through what's app. because they reached out to me. she says they would almost rather be back in del rio because they spent all their money on flights now they have nowhere to go. they said their family has no room for them in orlando. that's the situation we are looking at right now. >> pete: what's the next step? what's the plan? so they are at the airport in del rio. they are flying to various cities based on connections they purport to have. do they have a notice to appear? do they intend to follow through on that? what are they saying as far as their status in the united states of america? >> so this family actually tells me that they are set to see a judge on october 5th. now, i circled back and asked if this year or next year? >> pete: good question. >> we know that notices to appear were 12 to 36 months when i was down there a month ago. now we are told they are given 30 days. i did not hear back. i will continue to work on that one. they say they are going
families all going to we are talking new york, maryland, we are talking about this family going to orlando, floridajust talked to them through what's app. because they reached out to me. she says they would almost rather be back in del rio because they spent all their money on flights now they have nowhere to go. they said their family has no room for them in orlando. that's the situation we are looking at right now. >> pete: what's the next step? what's the plan? so they are at the...
Sep 15, 2021
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. >>> joining me from orlando, florida, nbc news reporter maura barrett. good to have you with us. en as hospitals continue to struggle for beds in their intensive care units you have florida's governor ron desantis still threatening local leaders with fines if they take steps to reduce the spread of covid-19. explain that to us. what is the latest that is happening there in florida? >> rell, ayman, this is just the latest move and just general safety precautions he is saying any county or city that enacted mandates he will fine them $5,000 per employee effective that might not have a job anymore if they don't get vaccinated or submit to testing required by the county and he's saying this is because workers deserve to have a choice and he wants to protect florida jobs. the mayor here in orange county, though, defending his requirements saying that he wants to keep his residents and workers here safe. i want you to hear some of the audio from earlier this week when fines were announced. take a listen. >> i'm not going to take actions that will adversely impact the safety of our commu
. >>> joining me from orlando, florida, nbc news reporter maura barrett. good to have you with us. en as hospitals continue to struggle for beds in their intensive care units you have florida's governor ron desantis still threatening local leaders with fines if they take steps to reduce the spread of covid-19. explain that to us. what is the latest that is happening there in florida? >> rell, ayman, this is just the latest move and just general safety precautions he is saying any...
Sep 3, 2021
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europe and the united states the attacks in paris, brussels, san bernardino, california, and orlando, florida, have people fearing that syrian refugees could be islamic radicals, forgetting that those refugees are some of the first victims of the islamic state. here it's a really powerful connection to the perception of vietnamese refugees as potential communist infiltrators when they were ones who were fleeing persecution at the hands of communists in asia. i continue here, because those judgments have been rendered on many who have been cast out or who fled, it's important for those of us who were refugees to remind the world of what our experiences mean. a vietnamese colleague of mine jokingly referred to his journey from refugee to bourgeoisie. when i told him that i was a refugee he stopped joking and said, you don't look like one. he was right. we can see invisible even to one another. but it is precisely because i do not look like a refugee that i have to proclaim being one, even when those of us who were refugees would rather forget that there was a time when the world thought us to b
europe and the united states the attacks in paris, brussels, san bernardino, california, and orlando, florida, have people fearing that syrian refugees could be islamic radicals, forgetting that those refugees are some of the first victims of the islamic state. here it's a really powerful connection to the perception of vietnamese refugees as potential communist infiltrators when they were ones who were fleeing persecution at the hands of communists in asia. i continue here, because those...
Sep 28, 2021
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se trata de una estudiante universitaria de 19 aÑos que vive en orlando, florida.ejo habitacional en donde trabaja en la oficina de mantenimiento. durante los Últimos 4 dÍas no se sabe en donde estÁy sus familiares estÁn preocupados. vamos a escuchar uno de los testimonios para que puedan ver el drama que estÁ pasando esta familia. >> por favor si la ven llamen a la policÍa, la queremos mucho. por favor ayÚdenme a encontrar a mi princesa. >> [habla en inglÉs] galo: la mala noticia en este caso es de que un trabajador de mantenimiento que es colega de ella, prÁcticamente el dÍa de ayer fue encontrado muerto. una persona de interÉs en el caso porque fue el Único que lo vio. esta persona segÚn las autoridades se pudo haber suicidado. en habrÍa entrado al departamento de la chica desaparecida con una llave maestra por lo menos unos 30 minutos antes de que termine su jornada laboral. vamos escuchar lo que dicen las autoridades policiales. >> [habla en inglÉs] galo: la persona que se suicidado armando manuel, el tenÍa un interÉs romÁntico y ella lo ha rechazado muchas oc
se trata de una estudiante universitaria de 19 aÑos que vive en orlando, florida.ejo habitacional en donde trabaja en la oficina de mantenimiento. durante los Últimos 4 dÍas no se sabe en donde estÁy sus familiares estÁn preocupados. vamos a escuchar uno de los testimonios para que puedan ver el drama que estÁ pasando esta familia. >> por favor si la ven llamen a la policÍa, la queremos mucho. por favor ayÚdenme a encontrar a mi princesa. >> [habla en inglÉs] galo: la mala...
Sep 30, 2021
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grasas por los nuevo detalles en vivo desde orlando, florida en el lugar donde vive mÍa marcano.cuador, asÍ escribe violento motÍn en una prisiÓn que como tal adelanta mosquera obra mÁs de 100 vidas y de unos 80 heridos. ya se declara esta decepciÓn nacional y desde quito, freddy barros tiene detalles. freddy: buenos dÍas. hoy continuarÁn las tareas para identificar a las vÍctimas de este enfrentamiento carcelario, la tarea no es fÁcil ya que segÚn las autoridades se usaron incluso granadas, todas las tareas estÁ realizando en el centro forense de guayaquil. durante la noche madrugada se mantuvo un operativo de seguridad en la penitenciarÍa del litoral en la ciudad de guayaquil, allÍ ocurriÓ la peor masacre en la historia de este paÍs andino. el gobierno confirmÓ que hasta el momento se registran 116 muertos y 80 heridos, pero la cifra podrÍa aumentar ya que la policÍa intenta ingresar a algunos pabellones. bandas locales asociaron con el cartel jalisco nueva generaciÓn y con el cÁrtel de sinaloa y ahora se enfrentan en esta sangrienta disputa por el control de las cÁrceles y el
grasas por los nuevo detalles en vivo desde orlando, florida en el lugar donde vive mÍa marcano.cuador, asÍ escribe violento motÍn en una prisiÓn que como tal adelanta mosquera obra mÁs de 100 vidas y de unos 80 heridos. ya se declara esta decepciÓn nacional y desde quito, freddy barros tiene detalles. freddy: buenos dÍas. hoy continuarÁn las tareas para identificar a las vÍctimas de este enfrentamiento carcelario, la tarea no es fÁcil ya que segÚn las autoridades se usaron incluso...
Sep 20, 2021
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orlando is kind of like a puerto rico north. and after the hurricane, we were the number one destination. after all, florida does have the largest puerto rican population in the united states. >> reporter: father jose rodriguez of the episcopal church of jesus of nazareth in orlando, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> hill: 15 years ago, the genocide in sudan's darfur region received widespread media coverage. today, the conflict there is largely forgotten. sudan's former leader, omar al bashir, who was accused of orchestrating the genocide, is now behind bars, but the situation on the ground remains unchanged for millions of darfur's victims. traveling by car, by donkey, and on foot, pbs newshour special correspondent benedict moran and video journalist yorgen samso visited a rebel stronghold in darf's remote jebel marra mountains. there, they found rebels unwilling to put down their guns, and isolated communities for whom the war has never ended. ( military chanting ) >> reporter: for these rebel fighters in the sudanese region of darfur, the war against the capital far from
orlando is kind of like a puerto rico north. and after the hurricane, we were the number one destination. after all, florida does have the largest puerto rican population in the united states. >> reporter: father jose rodriguez of the episcopal church of jesus of nazareth in orlando, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> hill: 15 years ago, the genocide in sudan's darfur region received widespread media coverage. today, the conflict there is largely...
Sep 15, 2021
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west virginia, november 7, december 3 florida, cheerwater on december 4, orlando, florida november 21, and abraham lincoln , frederick douglas that comes out in november. ainsley: also as bury park is on there too. brian: that's in may with dana perino. ainsley: have a good day we'll see you tomorrow. >> general milley has a lot of explaining to do and ought to stop honking like a goose and try to make our country more secure. >> bill: if tomorrow general milley decides joe biden is senile or a future present is not in his right mind. it's a military coup. >> there needs to be a full congressional inquiry. it is vital that general milley needs to resign. >> bill: we begin with peter doocy but first to the pentagon and jennifer griffin. >> general milley plans to address these accusations under testimony. the characterizations of the phone calls with the chinese in the book are not accurate and were taken out of context. i spoke with a former seen trump defense official told me the phone call to the chinese was done at the request of the then defense secretary. it was designed to lower
west virginia, november 7, december 3 florida, cheerwater on december 4, orlando, florida november 21, and abraham lincoln , frederick douglas that comes out in november. ainsley: also as bury park is on there too. brian: that's in may with dana perino. ainsley: have a good day we'll see you tomorrow. >> general milley has a lot of explaining to do and ought to stop honking like a goose and try to make our country more secure. >> bill: if tomorrow general milley decides joe biden is...
Sep 4, 2021
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host: let's talk to sheila, who is calling from orlando, florida. good morning. you there? alright, let's go to jeff, who is calling from missouri. good morning. caller: good morning to the both of you. i just want to bring up two points that people don't talk about all the time. in studies they show that the sun grows every year and that the solar flares have picked up in intensities, so the amount of ice and freshwater that has been dispersed through the oceans is eventually going to change the freezing point of saltwater. so, we cannot stop the sun from growing, we cannot stop the ice from melting, so at what point are we going to have a global freezing due to the disbursement of freshwater to salt water? and that is my question, and i hope the both of you have a good day. guest: thank you. that is a great question. i haven't heard too much about that freezing point changing, but i think it is a great opportunity to bring up a new field of science that is really interesting called attribution science. a sickly what this science does is take an extreme weather
host: let's talk to sheila, who is calling from orlando, florida. good morning. you there? alright, let's go to jeff, who is calling from missouri. good morning. caller: good morning to the both of you. i just want to bring up two points that people don't talk about all the time. in studies they show that the sun grows every year and that the solar flares have picked up in intensities, so the amount of ice and freshwater that has been dispersed through the oceans is eventually going to change...
Sep 23, 2021
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. >> we're from orlando, florida, and we're celebrating everly's second birthday and the arrival of our, welcome back thursday morning so happy that you're spending your morning with us we're going to get busy. we're going to get right to your news at 8:00 >>> millions of americans who got the pfizer vaccine will be eligible for booster shots but it leaves questions about when people can get those shots and what happens to people who received other covid vaccines. stephanie gosk joins us with the latest on this news. good morning >> reporter: there are people waking up this morning thinking, oh, i wonder if i qualify for a booster. you have to have gotten the pfizer vaccine, that's very important. and then you have to either be 65 or older or at high risk. as you mentioned, that includes frontline workers, people who work at hospitals and grocery stores, also teachers. but they can't come running down to a vaccination center today. the cdc still has to meet and give out guidance on high risk and once that happens, people will be able to go but it means that they have to -- they have to
. >> we're from orlando, florida, and we're celebrating everly's second birthday and the arrival of our, welcome back thursday morning so happy that you're spending your morning with us we're going to get busy. we're going to get right to your news at 8:00 >>> millions of americans who got the pfizer vaccine will be eligible for booster shots but it leaves questions about when people can get those shots and what happens to people who received other covid vaccines. stephanie gosk...
Sep 14, 2021
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, mom, no hands >> today, tuesday, september 14th, 2021 ♪ i got you moonlight ♪ >> here from orlando, floridato our brother, roger, in elizabethtown. >> we are the millers celebrating madison's birthday she is 3 ♪ >> good morning, mom and dad i love you >> we are the staley's from heimerville, georgia we are celebrating 25 years of wedded bliss with you today. >> travel down from toronto to see broadway back in action. ♪ >> all right broadway is back you guys, welcome back to "today." it's a tuesday morning we are so happy that you're starting your day with us. a nice crowd out there little broadway action >> get outside in a bit, by the way. we have a packed hour ahead and more for you tomorrow on "today" as we kick off national heritage hispanic month and a group of business owners who found quite the way to thrive during the pandemic we will have that for you tomorrow. >>> let's get to your news at 8:00 hurricane nicholas battered the gulf coast with heavy rain and w wind not along before the power outages began. morgan chesky is in the middle of it. good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good m
, mom, no hands >> today, tuesday, september 14th, 2021 ♪ i got you moonlight ♪ >> here from orlando, floridato our brother, roger, in elizabethtown. >> we are the millers celebrating madison's birthday she is 3 ♪ >> good morning, mom and dad i love you >> we are the staley's from heimerville, georgia we are celebrating 25 years of wedded bliss with you today. >> travel down from toronto to see broadway back in action. ♪ >> all right broadway is...
Sep 16, 2021
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also breaking overnight, crews battled a fire that broke out at a pet alliance of greater orlando facility in florida. according to officials, the blaze began at the front of the shelter where cats are kept. while all dogs were evacuated, 20 to 30 cats are thought to have died. at least ten cats were rescued from the building. it is unclear how the fire started. >>> let's turn now to the weather for your thursday with nbc meteorologist janessa webb hi, janessa. good morning >> hi, good morning. you know, we're still watching the tropics very closely and nothing tropical about nicolas any more it's an area of low pressure the problem is that it's stationary across south central louisiana. and it's going to stay that way through friday and moves more to the north going into the weekend. so you can see we have flash flood watches there in place an abundance of moisture is going to be lasting across the deep south to the southeast for at least the next seven days that's a huge problem. they've already seen a ton of rain for the season, and we're going to at another 10 inches in some spots across this are
also breaking overnight, crews battled a fire that broke out at a pet alliance of greater orlando facility in florida. according to officials, the blaze began at the front of the shelter where cats are kept. while all dogs were evacuated, 20 to 30 cats are thought to have died. at least ten cats were rescued from the building. it is unclear how the fire started. >>> let's turn now to the weather for your thursday with nbc meteorologist janessa webb hi, janessa. good morning >>...
Sep 10, 2021
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and happy 100th birthday to ralph porter of orlando, florida. this is a special one. mr.rd and fourth hours of "today," including steve kornacki breaking down the nfl season and some healthier alternatives, if you choose >> wings without the sauce >> just have the bones they're delicious. >> guys, have a wonderful friday great weekend. we'll be with you tomorrow morning on "today. morning on "today. >>> good morning. we are in a micro climate weather alert because of lightning and a little rain that rolled through the bay area overnight. meteorologist kari hall tells us more than 100 lightning strikes were recorded in the bay area, and some of those cases caused damage. here's what happened, lightning splintered a tree, part of it went through the top of the car. the homeowner said it sounded like a bomb went off. pg&e cut power until they remove debris and make sure lines are safe to reenergize. >>> there are reports of small fires elsewhere. we'll have a live report at 11:00 midday and we will have nice weather for the weekend. every single day, we're all getting a litt
and happy 100th birthday to ralph porter of orlando, florida. this is a special one. mr.rd and fourth hours of "today," including steve kornacki breaking down the nfl season and some healthier alternatives, if you choose >> wings without the sauce >> just have the bones they're delicious. >> guys, have a wonderful friday great weekend. we'll be with you tomorrow morning on "today. morning on "today. >>> good morning. we are in a micro climate...
Sep 28, 2021
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virginia where governor jim justice reigns, november 21 in orlando, florida, clearwater is right behind it, december 4, and on may 21 in as bury park. steve: i'll see you in the spring. you know what i'll see you tomorrow. ainsley: have a great day, everyone. >> dana: pent up demand. hearing today and another one in the senate and tomorrow in the house. here the players. you have it ready. joint chiefs chairman mark milley, lloyd austin and centcom commander general mckenzie and be pressed whether president biden ignored their advice leading to the chaos in afghanistan. >> bill: so many images seared into our mem re. six weeks ago yesterday afghans clinging to a parting u.s. cargo jet. some of them falling to their deaths on that tarmac. >> dana: parents handing over newborn daughters and sons desperate to get them as far as possible from the taliban. >> bill: days before the august 30th withdrawal deadline an isis suicide bombing targeted the crowd outside the airport. 13 american service members killed, two women. >> dana: lawmakers will press the generals on a retaliatory drone strik
virginia where governor jim justice reigns, november 21 in orlando, florida, clearwater is right behind it, december 4, and on may 21 in as bury park. steve: i'll see you in the spring. you know what i'll see you tomorrow. ainsley: have a great day, everyone. >> dana: pent up demand. hearing today and another one in the senate and tomorrow in the house. here the players. you have it ready. joint chiefs chairman mark milley, lloyd austin and centcom commander general mckenzie and be...
Sep 29, 2021
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de su bÚsqueda continÚa sin descanso, ahora los familiares de la joven de 19 aÑos que vive en orlando floridao en su departamento el lunes, la policÍa dice que se suicido. todavÍa no estÁ claro si es una nota de despedida pero segÚn los detectives que investiga la desapariciÓn, Él ahora cederÁ huellas de sangre en la armada de su cama. >> Él era nuestra pista hacia mÍa y se suicido, dice su tÍa. galo: tenÍa 27 nos caballero y trabaja haciendo mantenimiento en el conjunto habitacional y segÚn las autoridades usÓ la llave maestra para hacer al departamento de mi al viernes, ademÁs ha demostrado que tienen un interÉs romÁntico con la joven, quien lo rechazÓ en reiteradas ocasiones, su somier se percataron que algo no estaba bien cuando ya no tomÓ un vuelo a fort lauderdale y no respondÍa los mensajes de sus seres queridos. aquÍ hay dos detalles muy inquietantes, si entro del departamento hubo un ellas de lucha y si se dio al encargado de mantenimiento escapar por una de las ventanas en horas de la madrugada, ¿por quÉ la policÍa no procediÓ de otra manera? son preguntas que el alguacil del condad
de su bÚsqueda continÚa sin descanso, ahora los familiares de la joven de 19 aÑos que vive en orlando floridao en su departamento el lunes, la policÍa dice que se suicido. todavÍa no estÁ claro si es una nota de despedida pero segÚn los detectives que investiga la desapariciÓn, Él ahora cederÁ huellas de sangre en la armada de su cama. >> Él era nuestra pista hacia mÍa y se suicido, dice su tÍa. galo: tenÍa 27 nos caballero y trabaja haciendo mantenimiento en el conjunto...
Sep 15, 2021
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i'll be charleston, west virginia, november 7, december 3 florida, cheerwater on december 4, orlando, florida's in may with dana perino. ainsley: have a good day we'll see you tomorrow.
i'll be charleston, west virginia, november 7, december 3 florida, cheerwater on december 4, orlando, florida's in may with dana perino. ainsley: have a good day we'll see you tomorrow.
Sep 6, 2021
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patricia: continÚa con su tour " positivo 2021 " seguirÁn por san josÉ california, orlando, florida, oliva, cebolla, sal y pimienta. es una ensalada ligera. fÁcil de hacer y despidiendo el verano. unas hojas de menta. karla: Échale bastante de menta. raÚl: cocina verano, cocinÓ en otoÑo, y cuando no quiero no cocino nada. [risas] chef: cuidado que hay niÑos en casa. raul: yo no dije nada malo. karla: te lo juro que esa ensalada es deliciosa. mira curbelo que es vegetariano se la estÁ saboreando. raÚl: y estÁ en tu libro? chef: sÍ, estÁ en el libro. [hablan a la vez] karla: ensalada de sandÍa y aguacate, mi favorita. ponte asÍ como la portada. raÚl: dÓnde se puede comprar el libro? karla: dÉjame, abre el tiro—— la misma sonrisa. raÚl: dÓnde se puede comprar el libro? chef: en amazon. libro? chef: en amazon. raÚl: y el delantal? has enfrentado grandes cambios toda tu vida. así que cuando tu negocio se ve obligado a cambiar rápidamente, estás listo para adaptarlo como siempre lo has hecho. igual que tú, el united states postal service siempre ha buscado formas de mejorar y lo seguiremos
patricia: continÚa con su tour " positivo 2021 " seguirÁn por san josÉ california, orlando, florida, oliva, cebolla, sal y pimienta. es una ensalada ligera. fÁcil de hacer y despidiendo el verano. unas hojas de menta. karla: Échale bastante de menta. raÚl: cocina verano, cocinÓ en otoÑo, y cuando no quiero no cocino nada. [risas] chef: cuidado que hay niÑos en casa. raul: yo no dije nada malo. karla: te lo juro que esa ensalada es deliciosa. mira curbelo que es vegetariano se...
Sep 1, 2021
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johnny: felicitamos a selena castellanos de orlando, florida, celebra sus 42 aÑos .o por ciento del daño? sandra cuidado un mechón de cabello con dove. las áreas brillantes representan el daño. dove repara con precisión para minimizar toda señal de daño. dove intensive repair. dónde están todos? cheddar, bbq y original...el quesorprendente stack. dove repara con precisión para minimizar toda señal de daño. pringles. no puedes parar de combinarlas. ¿por qué no les manda un texto? no tengo señal. hay un lugar auténtico que se nos antoja. donde la mesa se vuelve el alma de la casa. y el cariño de la familia y los amigos se siente en cada mordida. aqui cada platillo cuenta una historia. donde cacique inspira la chispa. para contar una historia a nuestra manera. cacique. lo auténtico los espera. atención, california. ahora hay un nuevo fondo federal de 3 mil millones de dólares para ayudar a más personas a pagar su seguro médico - sin importar sus ingresos. eso significa que andrés y teresa ahora pagan $700 menos cada mes. sara obtuvo cobertura integral por solo $1 al mes
johnny: felicitamos a selena castellanos de orlando, florida, celebra sus 42 aÑos .o por ciento del daño? sandra cuidado un mechón de cabello con dove. las áreas brillantes representan el daño. dove repara con precisión para minimizar toda señal de daño. dove intensive repair. dónde están todos? cheddar, bbq y original...el quesorprendente stack. dove repara con precisión para minimizar toda señal de daño. pringles. no puedes parar de combinarlas. ¿por qué no les manda un texto?...
Sep 22, 2021
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orlando, florida, republican. caller: hello. have been talking about all of the money that the democrats are wanting to spend. it would be a different story if a real american who lived here would get a little bit of the pie every now and then. but they want to give to this government, to that government, they want to give to all of the illegal aliens coming across our border while we sit here and we don't get a dime of it. we might get a scrap here or there, but then we are the ones who pay the taxes. that is why we are upset. because we never do get anything out of the money that they borrow and borrow and borrow. congress is sitting up there, they get their fact-checks, they get their retirement. they ain't got to worry about us little folks on the ground. we may get a crumb if you decide to drop one. but if we want to cross that border or we come in illegal, you are going to take care of us like we are kings or queens. host: hi, john. caller: as americans we need to remember that compromise is not a dirty word. may i remind
orlando, florida, republican. caller: hello. have been talking about all of the money that the democrats are wanting to spend. it would be a different story if a real american who lived here would get a little bit of the pie every now and then. but they want to give to this government, to that government, they want to give to all of the illegal aliens coming across our border while we sit here and we don't get a dime of it. we might get a scrap here or there, but then we are the ones who pay...
Sep 22, 2021
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boston, from interest i'll pack up with my crew and rodeies go december 4 to clearwater, florida, orlando, florida and their battle to save america's soul which releases on november 2. meanwhile, this on this show. the dale brothers team up to track down their family's lost treasure in a new fox business show it's a live preview of the special that's good as gold, but first, dana perino has been asked to tell us what's on her show, she could refuse. dana: i mean, you are good as gold, as well, brian. let's just say that. brian: thank you so much. dana: on our show, gabby petito's death ruled a homicide the hunt for her boyfriend continues, the biden administration clamming up about the border crisis we're live in del rio, texas and we'll speak to a couple who lives a mile away from that bridge where thousands of migrants are gather ed and as america tries to figure out what the heck the government is dog on covid former fda commissioner scott gotleib will be here to help you explain it. see you at 9:00. the first full prescription strength gel for powerful arthritis pain relief... voltaren the joy
boston, from interest i'll pack up with my crew and rodeies go december 4 to clearwater, florida, orlando, florida and their battle to save america's soul which releases on november 2. meanwhile, this on this show. the dale brothers team up to track down their family's lost treasure in a new fox business show it's a live preview of the special that's good as gold, but first, dana perino has been asked to tell us what's on her show, she could refuse. dana: i mean, you are good as gold, as well,...
Sep 13, 2021
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orlando florida november 21st. i have heard of orlando. clearwater on saturday december 4th. straight ahead on this show, there was no penalty flag for this catch. couple who saved this cat falling from an upper deck using an american flag. ♪ they will join us next. ♪ ♪ rescue me ♪ would you rescue me ♪ these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple was on a camping trip... ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ... deal. ♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. this is renae. never heard of her? it's probably because she's not an influencer. she's more of a groundbreaker. just look at the way she's reshaping and reimagining her 4 acre slice of hea
orlando florida november 21st. i have heard of orlando. clearwater on saturday december 4th. straight ahead on this show, there was no penalty flag for this catch. couple who saved this cat falling from an upper deck using an american flag. ♪ they will join us next. ♪ ♪ rescue me ♪ would you rescue me ♪ these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion,...
Sep 28, 2021
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war on history in charleston, west virginia where governor jim justice reigns, november 21 in orlando, florida you know what i'll see you tomorrow. ainsley: have a great day, everyone.
war on history in charleston, west virginia where governor jim justice reigns, november 21 in orlando, florida you know what i'll see you tomorrow. ainsley: have a great day, everyone.
Sep 30, 2021
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that is mike in orlando, florida. to anthony, democrats line in baltimore, maryland.ller: yes, thank you, and good morning to everyone and c-span. i am going to be quite honest with the. i do not know what is in the $3.5 trillion bill. that is from the streets. people on the streets do not know what is in it. we know all the spin doctors talk about childcare and talk about help for the community, but we really don't know. what are you going to do with that much money? i think that needs to be made more open to the public, and the democrats need to stop playing games and just get down to business and vote correctly and straight. what i do know is that the infrastructure bill is necessary, because everybody drives on the roads, everybody ride the train now and then, everybody flies on a plane. everybody needs to get around. there's also money available for cybersecurity. i think that is a big issue to resolve today, because we have a lot going on with social media. we have got all types of villains around the globe who were trying to get on dark networks, and we need to
that is mike in orlando, florida. to anthony, democrats line in baltimore, maryland.ller: yes, thank you, and good morning to everyone and c-span. i am going to be quite honest with the. i do not know what is in the $3.5 trillion bill. that is from the streets. people on the streets do not know what is in it. we know all the spin doctors talk about childcare and talk about help for the community, but we really don't know. what are you going to do with that much money? i think that needs to be...
Sep 29, 2021
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adobe analytics says that some of the top domestic destinations are las vegas, hawaii, orlando, and key west in floridanings," a discussion about athletes and mental health. nate burleson talks with kevin love of the nba, brandon marshall, formerly of the nfl, and didi richards from the wnba. >>> plus, the director of the documentary "britney versus spears" stops by the times square studio. >>> and award-winning chef christina tosi tells us about her new children's book, "every cake has a story." >>> that's the "cbs morning news" for this wednesday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. ♪
adobe analytics says that some of the top domestic destinations are las vegas, hawaii, orlando, and key west in floridanings," a discussion about athletes and mental health. nate burleson talks with kevin love of the nba, brandon marshall, formerly of the nfl, and didi richards from the wnba. >>> plus, the director of the documentary "britney versus spears" stops by the times square studio. >>> and award-winning chef christina tosi tells us about her new...
Sep 9, 2021
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have a chance to talk to me and clearwater deity december 4th and orlando, florida, november 21st go.ll out there. ♪ ♪ your heart is at the heart of everything you do. and if you have heart failure, there's entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. our retirement plan with voya, keeps us moving forward. or high blood potassium. hey, kevin! hey, guys! they have customized solutions to help our family's special needs... giving us confidence in our future... ...and in kevin's. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. ♪ i wonder how the firm's doing without its fearless leader. you sure you want to leave that all behind? yeah. stay restless with the rx crafted by lexus. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. this isn't ju
have a chance to talk to me and clearwater deity december 4th and orlando, florida, november 21st go.ll out there. ♪ ♪ your heart is at the heart of everything you do. and if you have heart failure, there's entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side...
Sep 15, 2021
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amendment ensures that we put the middle class, whether they be residents of south carolina or orlando florida or plainville, new york or even paterson, new jersey the fourth the interest of millionaires. if my democrat colleagues are sincere in their efforts to support the middle class, they will support this amendment. it only applies to millionaires. last night we saw our esteemed colleague congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez attended the met gala wearing a dress emblazoned with the slogan tax the rich. if my colleagues really wants to tax the rich, they should vote for the amendment. if they voted down, they will claim the title party of the rich. again, the extension of the cap would only apply to people earning over $1 million a year. i yelled back. -- yield back. >> does the gentleman from california insist on his point of order? >> i withdraw my point of order. >> i believe patterson from new jersey would like to be heard from. >> the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you mr. chairman. thank you mr. rice. first of all i want to think the joy -- chairman for joining me in reiterating
amendment ensures that we put the middle class, whether they be residents of south carolina or orlando florida or plainville, new york or even paterson, new jersey the fourth the interest of millionaires. if my democrat colleagues are sincere in their efforts to support the middle class, they will support this amendment. it only applies to millionaires. last night we saw our esteemed colleague congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez attended the met gala wearing a dress emblazoned with the...
Sep 22, 2021
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haitianos, este autobÚs, algunos de ellos estÁn yendo a houston para despuÉs irse al Área de la florida, a miami, o orlandoosas que no solamente aquÍ se le presta ayuda en estos centros de atenciÓn a los inmigrantes sino tambiÉn a algunas iglesias gente voluntaria les lleva alimentos y ropas ante la crisis humanitaria que se vive aquÍ en la frontera de mÉxico y estados unidos, regreso contigo. >> muchas gracias, edgar, mientras tanto del otro lado de la frontera el Éxodo de haitianos es sumamente prÓximo bastantes lugar de 800 de ellos llegaron a monterrey la mayorÍa fueron acogido s en albergues dedicados ayudar a migrantes como ellos, algunos quieren cruzar a estados unidos, mientras otros prefieren regularizar su situaciÓn incluso quedarse en el norte de mÉxico. a mÁs de mil millas de distancia de la frontera en mÉxico, tambiÉn hay cientos de migrantes que forman filas para intentar arreglar si situaciÓn en el paÍs, muchos han decidido cambiar estados unidos por mÉxico para cambiar una nueva vida, incluso es normal, ver por la ciudad a muchos buscando empleo, pidiendo dinero o incluso apelando a la cari
haitianos, este autobÚs, algunos de ellos estÁn yendo a houston para despuÉs irse al Área de la florida, a miami, o orlandoosas que no solamente aquÍ se le presta ayuda en estos centros de atenciÓn a los inmigrantes sino tambiÉn a algunas iglesias gente voluntaria les lleva alimentos y ropas ante la crisis humanitaria que se vive aquÍ en la frontera de mÉxico y estados unidos, regreso contigo. >> muchas gracias, edgar, mientras tanto del otro lado de la frontera el Éxodo de...
Sep 26, 2021
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rachel: i know and he was at a baptist church in orlando, florida and he said it was a better man eventhat, not abuse it. it's a wonderful message for american men. tell me what you think of that message and how that might play into your role potentially as the governor of michigan. >> you know, i've got to tell you it's a powerful statement. i know denzel. i know where he stands. i know i've been called for this role. this is i know that being the next governor, the next governor of the great state of michigan is something that was placed on my heart and a late friend o of mine who was a very spiritual man who said 13 years ago, you're going to be the governor. now that was wild for me, because i wanted to only be the chief of police and here i sit today, but in today's world, in our state, in our country, we need strong courageous leaders to deal with the issues. look at our country, we're divided look at our state. people are so dissatisfied and sick of politics. they want leaders that will get it done and get it done with integrity. rachel: you certainly got it done when you were th
rachel: i know and he was at a baptist church in orlando, florida and he said it was a better man eventhat, not abuse it. it's a wonderful message for american men. tell me what you think of that message and how that might play into your role potentially as the governor of michigan. >> you know, i've got to tell you it's a powerful statement. i know denzel. i know where he stands. i know i've been called for this role. this is i know that being the next governor, the next governor of the...
Sep 29, 2021
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orlando. las autoridades intensifica la bÚsqueda. el gobernador de la florida
orlando. las autoridades intensifica la bÚsqueda. el gobernador de la florida
Sep 29, 2021
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orlando. las autoridades intensifica la bÚsqueda. el gobernador de la florida gobierno de joe biden por su polÍtica de inmigraciÓn y obligÓ detener a sospechosos de delitos que transportan inmigrantes. new york, decenas de miles de empleados escolares tienen hasta el viernes para vacunarse contra el covid.la ciudad suspenderÁ sin pago quienes no lo hagan. >> estoy del lado de los maestros pero eso tambiÉn tiene cata razonables. >> una lava densa y roja del volcÁn de la palma en islas canarias, llegÓ al ocÉano atlÁntico provocando una enorme humareda. locutro: Éste es noticiero univisiÓn con jorge ramos de ilia calderÓn. ilia: hablamos con la abuela de la joven hispana de 19 aÑosque desapareciÓ del complejo de apartamentos donde vive. imÁgenes que fueron reveladas, muestran al hombre considerado como persona de interÉs cargando pertenencias de milla. vilma tiene los detalles de la bÚsqueday la investigaciÓn. vilma: ella es la abuela de la joven que desapareciÓ en orlando, donde vivÍa y trabajaba. su abuela nos hablÓ de su profundo dolor y desesperaciÓn. >> dame
orlando. las autoridades intensifica la bÚsqueda. el gobernador de la florida gobierno de joe biden por su polÍtica de inmigraciÓn y obligÓ detener a sospechosos de delitos que transportan inmigrantes. new york, decenas de miles de empleados escolares tienen hasta el viernes para vacunarse contra el covid.la ciudad suspenderÁ sin pago quienes no lo hagan. >> estoy del lado de los maestros pero eso tambiÉn tiene cata razonables. >> una lava densa y roja del volcÁn de la palma...