calls forth these eligible division commanders now and that will include orlando wilcox in the center, james ledlie on the left, and robert potter on the right. despite burnside's later realization he should have probably selected wilcox or potter, he felt like their divisions had been very used up, so he selects james ledlie. ledlie, some as you know, has a fondness for alcohol, and it's been exhibited most kind of notably at the battle of north hannah river, late in may of 1864 and again in the initial attacks on petersburg on june 17th. during the day and night of july 29th, final preparations are made that include moving 110 federal cannon and 54 mortars across a two-mile front to be used right after the explosion takes place and try to, of course, pin down confederates as the attack moves forward. white troops move into their position. of course, now in front, ferrero's troops are going to be in the back of this attacking column. colonel pleasants will go in on july 30th, light the fuse, 3:30 in the morning. it didn't go off. 4:15, two people volunteered to go back inside to figu