dean ornish has studied and written about diet and heart disease for decades. >> in medical school, iry, with michael debeke, the heart surgeon. we cut people open, we bypass their blocked arteries and he would tell them they were cured and they'd go home and more often than not eat the same junk food, smoke, not manage stress, not exercise, and then often their bypasses would clog up. so we'd cut them open, we'd bypass their bypass, sometimes multiple times. i said, there's got to be a better way. i've spent more than 30 years of doing studies showing that heart disease can be reversed by changing what we eat, how we respond to stress, how much we exercise, and how much love and support we have in our lives. in our model the physician acts as a quarterback. he or she assembles a team of five other people to work with, a nurse, a yoga teacher, an exercise physiologist, a registered dietitian, and a clinical psychologist. and when we work at that level, we find people are much more likely to make these sustainable changes and the patient learns to empower themselves and transform their