in return, fund the government. ,orporations across america major corporate allies of president obama, have gotten special carveouts. others are getting special exemption print i'm only asking that the individuals in this audience get the same operation as the same corporations have. >> can i get a rebuttal? >> let's move to mr. usher. >> good evening to you both. mr. booker, you've heard time and time again that your opponent says you're more concerned about what happens in hollywood versus new jersey. in recent days, even some of your supporters have expressed concern that there is unfinished business in newark. how can you assure voters of the garden state that you are interested in serving them and not your own image? >> i appreciate that. first and foremost, the city of newark has made undeniable progress. we are going through our biggest economic boom in the past 50 years. our first new office towers are being built in decades. companies are moving their headquarters to newark, from panasonic moving to newark to even companies like in addition to this, crime is down