. -- orra cell. but estimations have fallen far short, leaving it $20 million deficit. former supervisor says. >> it's not attracting interest from other racing teams there was going to be 12-15 different teams turns out there is going to be four. so it has not generated the interest. it's not going to generate the money. >> he started an online petition asking ellison to pick up the tab. >> researchers found eating too much high fat dairy could inl crease the risk of death in breast cancer patients. researchers looked at more than 1800 women. and they found eating at least one portion of full fat mill blg, cream, or cheese daily inincreased mortality rates by nearly 50%. researchers believe there could be a link to higher levels of estrogen in the products. the type of work a woman does could increase a risk for ovarian cancer. a study found women working night shifts were increased risk of an invasive form of ovarian cancer suggesting mela tonin typically produced at night may be to blame for the right after this ook two firefighters received special awards today afte