orrible james that i cannot believe myself sometimes when i close my eyes how is your wires. you know i tell you well. it's always in my mind. when when i. remember whenever you. look more down you'll be on top. how many years have you been doing this for many years i cannot even counting you know exactly how many years i started to speak up he took it took a long time because i visualized i was very naive. people will literally take the hate from their hearts and respect you for speaking with me but i was very very wrong. and this is very different from the talk to me so deeply when i hear in one c. we have gone back. and paid to still growing. more than i would. so you go warney you become. in a way very disappointed to new world him feeling goes a dissing way. here speaking up is not enough. no i 70 where the life. was. a mature prison. and i was not a humble person. again . i'm in a spirit a lot of my life not really. contributing much other than. carnegie and i just really didn't have any use for anything positive i just thought you know i'm going to be a prison guy. is